
We have arranged block bookings in following hotels, which are located nearby the conference location.
Please make your reservations directly with one of the hotels using the given booking code!

And also make sure that you have fully prepared your documents for participation, as well as your report for speeches. If you need help, contact academic writing services.

  SORAT Hotel Spree-Bogen Berlin (****) (D)
Alt-Moabit 99, D-10559 Berlin
ASWN2022 special rates from 28.5.-1.6.2022
  • Standard single room: 96,00€
  • Standard double room: 131,00€

all including breakfast

booking deadline: 15.04.2022
booking code: "ASWN2022"


  GOLD-INN Adrema Hotel (****) (C)
Gotzkowskystr. 20/21, D-10555 Berlin
ASWN2022 special rates from 28.5.-1.6.2022:
  • Standard single room: 86,50€
  • Standard double room: 109,50€
  • Comfort single room: 96,50€
  • Comfort double room: 119,50€
  • Executive single room: 106,50€
  • Executive double room: 129,50

all including breakfast

booking deadline: 30.04.2022
booking code: "ASWN2022"


Sömmeringstraße 24-26, D-10589 Berlin

ASWN2022 special rates from 28.5.-1.6.2022:
  • Single room: 76,00€
  • Double room: 89,00€

all including breakfast
booking deadline: 13.04.2022
booking code: "ASWN2022"