Camera Ready Instructions for Authors

Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of ASWN2022, if ALL of the following requirements are fullfilled until the strict deadlines given below:

  1. Authors of accepted papers must provide a camera-ready Adobe PDF version of the papers reflecting comments from the reviewers (if any). Camera-ready version:
    • has to follow the IEEE double-column standard format carefully!
    • has to be delivered in be in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) and compatible with Acrobat Reader.
    • must not exceed 10 pages!
    • must not have any page numbers!
    • has to be using English language, not using any special characters and using font Times (New) Roman!
  2. All paper submissions will be handled electronically by the EDAS system.
    Please use the following link to upload your final manuscript: until April 1st, 2022!
    • Log into EDAS
    • Goto "My papers"
    • Select the paper, which has been accepted
    • Click on upload icon () in "Final Manuscript"
    • Check response from EDAS system
    • In case you experience any problem, please send an email with the final manuscript attached to !
  3. At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register and present the paper at the workshop (at least one full registration is required by April 1st, 2022)! Without at least one full registration the paper will not be included in the proceedings of ASWN2022!

To facilitate the production of papers in the required IEEE formatting standard, you may consult IEEE Transactions LaTeX and Microsoft Word Style Files at

If you have any question with regard to your final manuscript or the procedure, please don't hestitate to get in contact with .